Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Women and Men

Trees and power lines
Some people might say “what do trees and power lines have to do with you and me?”
Well let me tell ya
We men are like the trees, with pride rooted so deep, very few can break us down
Bark so thick, we often can be negligent to the fact we cant feel the pain we’re causing.
With branches trying to reach and expand, with unclear intentions sprouting in every direction
But often we grow ourselves too long over edges, that will only lead to a long fall.
There are few men who can hold themselves back from over extension.
Then there are power lines.
Made up of the same stuff, but far more powerful.
Power lines… so commonly placed, you could find them all over the world. Their everywhere.
So common sometimes we miss them.
Power…. Lines… its true you know, women are the power lines.
Their the only ones who make us, who are close to them , cut our branches.
Work ourselves around them, surround them, but not close enough to wrap or control them.
Those who try… to control, I mean.  Try to split their lines, share them with all their other liquid spined friends. Will eventually end up burnt, by the very power which surges them.
Because women, are just that… Wonderful Obvious Manifestations of Eternal Nature.
Its true you know… what they say, when a women looks into a mirror she is looking at the closest thing on this earth to God.
Men, men are trees
And Women, women are power lines. 

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